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Traveling in 2021

After more than a year of quarantine and ever-changing restrictions, Americans are ready to take that long-awaited summer vacation. Though travel is on the rise, permanent changes stemming from the pandemic are likely to affect how we travel here on in.

While vacationing might look a bit different in a post-pandemic world, all forms of travel are making a strong comeback. According to a recent survey conducted by The Vacationer, 68 percent of the 535 respondents polled over the age of 18 plan to travel this summer. 58 percent are planning to travel just as much as they did before the pandemic. Though the stats may appear high for just coming out of a global pandemic, many Americans are opting to adopt pandemic-induced travel behaviors like embarking on more road trips, centering their vacations around the great outdoors, and even taking Flexcations; a longer stay that accommodates both business and pleasure.

67 percent of the more than 8,000 people polled in a 2021 VRBO travel trends survey admitted to taking a Flexcation last year and expressed wanting to do it again this year. The survey also showed 59 percent of families claim they would rather drive than fly on their next vacation, and 61 percent would prefer an outdoorsy vacay to a more urban one.

However you choose to vacation this year, remember to follow the CDC’s recommendations for keeping yourself and others safe.

Upcoming travel plans

Planning a 2021 vacation? Navigating Covid-19 restrictions and regulations can be tricky. To help make sure you’re prepared before you leave home, here are some of the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to consider…

  1. Wait until fully vaccinated – Ideally, the CDC would recommend waiting to travel until fully vaccinated (two weeks after second dose of vaccination). Wearing a mask is still required during travel on all forms of public transportation, such as planes, buses, and trains. State and local recommendations and requirements should be adhered to once arriving at your destination.

  2. Unvaccinated travel – The CDC recommends getting tested for COVID-19 1 to 3 days before your trip. While traveling, wear a mask and maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and anyone not in your travel party. Avoid crowded, enclosed areas and sanitize hands often. After traveling, get tested 3 to 5 days upon arrival AND self-quarantine for a full 7 days; self-quarantine for a full 10 days if you do not get tested after travel. Regardless of testing, avoid being around high-risk people for 14 days.

  3. Check travel restrictions – Before traveling, check your destination’s travel restrictions. Prepare to be flexible as restrictions and policies may change during travel. If traveling by air, check to see if your airline requires any health information, testing, or other documents.

  4. International travel – Use the CDC’s COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination to find out which countries should be avoided and which are safe to visit. You can also see the guidelines for re-entering the country once you have traveled overseas.

Traveling in 2021

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