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ProMedica FCU Marks 50 Years

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We’re excited to announce that on April 5, 2023, ProMedica Federal Credit Union will be celebrating our 50th anniversary! It’s an honor to have served our members for half a century and we’re looking forward to continuing to provide exceptional financial services for many more years to come.

Our credit union has a rich history that began in the early 1970s when a group of employees from The Toledo Hospital decided they wanted a better alternative to the big banks. On April 5th, 1973, we were established as a nonprofit financial cooperative, owned by our members, and focused exclusively on their needs.

As the years went by, we’ve grown and evolved to better serve our members. In 1985, we obtained our federal charter and officially changed our name to Toledo Hospital Federal Credit Union. Then, in 1996, we changed our name again to ProMedica Federal Credit Union to reflect our expanded field of membership under the ProMedica Health System umbrella.

We’ve always sought to be there for any ProMedica employee who needs us, no matter where they are, nationwide. To reach this goal, we’ve grown to operate four full-service branches in and around ProMedica facilities in the greater Toledo area and have invested in technology that allows us to offer a complete range of products and services 100% online without the need to visit a physical location.

As we reflect on the past 50 years of service, we’re deeply grateful for the support and loyalty of our members. We remind ourselves every day that service to our membership is our only reason for being.

To celebrate this milestone year, we want to invite our members to share their stories with us in the comments section below. We’d love to hear about the ways in which we’ve helped you achieve your financial goals and improve your financial well-being, and the ways we can continue to grow and adapt to better meet your needs in the future.

We’re committed to providing the best possible service to our members and we’re looking forward to continuing to serve you for many years to come. Thank you for entrusting ProMedica Federal Credit Union as your exclusive financial partner.

1 thought on “ProMedica FCU Marks 50 Years”

  1. Started with Toledo Hospital Credit Union in the basement of Toledo Hospital 1974 During this time another employee Vivian Moon was the computer she knew your name and amount of each person. Continue to remain with the Hospital Credit union even with the change of Job and the access of another credit union Great job and service over the years from the people of the Promedica
    Credit Union Personnel Thank You

    M, Jones

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